Blog#73: On the Inside, Looking Out...
Part One
A prisoner may learn many things. Very quickly, any prisoner worth their salt will discover how to deal with the jailers and wardens: what to say, what not to say, how to minimise confrontation and worse. The prisoner will also learn as rapidly as possible how to exist in the company of the . . .
Blog#72: The Truth Shall Set You Free, Chapter 478
Part One
Well, the bullshit sausage machine continues to churn out nonsense ad nauseam. It seems to me that 'they' are trying to get the thing done and dusted ('the thing' in essence consisting of turning the human species into 100% hive mind entities, AI terminals) as quickly as possible. They are in overdrive as . . .
Blog#71: It's Howdie
Part One
There is a fairly rapidly increasing volume of resources available on the topic, but these are my 'Trap Three': David Icke, Isabella Greene, and Howdie Mickoski. All on the track of the same beast, all with their individual angles and insights into 'the topic of topics.'
First acquaintance with . . .
A Postscript
Now here's a thing..... Hot on the heels of my recent piece about David Icke and the 'so far, no further' elements in the 'mainstream alternative', two of its big players appear to have pushed the boat out a bit.
Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson have been openly discussing how there seem to be non-human entities or energies out there, some . . .
Blog#70: Solstice Snippets
Part One
Of the variety of festivals and other celebratory events on offer at this time of year, the one that possesses meaning for me is the solstice. And, being in the northern hemisphere, I am talking about the winter solstice.
Christmas is great for five-year olds, and New Year (Hogmanay here in Scotland) is just the . . .
Blog#69: Transformations
Part One
Most of the time I forget about the work of Mary Shutan. It's when I'm in a bit of a mess - energy doing weird things and running out of control, some kind of emotional or spiritual crisis, or bizarre physical symptoms that I fear are going to render me dead very shortly - that I suddenly remember. 'Ah, Mary', I sigh . . .
Blog#68: Passing the Ring
Part One
It was the end of September when I first heard of Isabella Greene and her book. By the start of October I had received a copy, and within a couple of weeks I had read it three times.
It is quite a slim volume, and is easy to read. It is based upon the personal experiences of Isabella, along with those of various . . .