Blog#72: The Truth Shall Set You Free, Chapter 478
Part One
Well, the bullshit sausage machine continues to churn out nonsense ad nauseam. It seems to me that 'they' are trying to get the thing done and dusted ('the thing' in essence consisting of turning the human species into 100% hive mind entities, AI terminals) as quickly as possible. They are in overdrive as more people wake up to, at the very least, the realisation that something is seriously amiss.
Climate change is one that never stops giving. I have encouraged folk for years to delve into realclimatescience, for example, to see what a load of bollocks it is. But there is only so much you can do....
Claims about 'hottest place ever', 'hottest year ever', and so on, are classic instances of the bullshit. Multiple reasons exist for my saying this, but here is a pretty good article about Britain burning up like a piece of bacon that's been left in the pan for too long.
Hottest year this, hottest year that: so many variables, for starters. The reality is that it is impossible to know.
'Human-induced climate change' was invented in the late 1960s by the Club of Rome. This is a group of self-appointed entities who somehow decided, like other think tanks, that they are qualified to tell everybody else how to behave. In their own words (you can find it on the internet, this is not pie-in-the-sky conspiracy theory) they were looking for something to bring together all the people of the world, and they hit upon environmental issues, specifically climate change.
'Bringing everyone together' sounds like a laudable notion, doesn't it? Until you realise that they are talking about a global issue that can be used to modify people's behaviour regardless of where they live etc. A one-size-fits-all scenario. Another thing that that can employed to the same effect is health: a global health scare, a plandemic, during which manufactured crisis people in every nook and cranny of the planet can be made to adopt the same ridiculous strategies to counteract the perceived (imaginary) threat. Sound familiar? Masks, lockdowns, and injections, anyone? Wherever you are.....
The purposes of the climate propaganda are - and excuse me another yawn - initially to keep people in a state of perpetual unease and stress, which makes them docile and pliable, and more ready to do whatever 'authorities' want them to do. The population lives in a toxic soup of destructive (for them) low vibrational energy, emanating from constant anxiety, worry, guilt about the planet, and so on.
Climate change intends to justify the systematic impoverishment of the people of the wealthier nations in the world. Take away people's surplus wealth, and they will be struggling merely to provide the necessaries of survival. People in that state of living easily become more dependent on the 'authorities' for the means of survival. And provision of those means will come with strings. In other words, you get your benefits provided you behave the way that the system wants you to. And if you don't, you're on your own, buddie. Feel free to starve or freeze to death.
So we see the rise in energy prices, which is 'justified' by the need for climate action - it's a bloody emergency, let's remember.... - and the lunatic building of still more wind farms and solar farms, all of which only add to energy insecurity.
And the climate crisis provides the perfect means by which those damn difficult-to-control humans can be successfully corralled into little areas, where they are more easily managed and kept more easily under constant surveyance. So we get fifteen-minute cities, smart cities, and so on, all psychopathic crap. Plus electric cars for the environment, another enormous porkie which, like wind turbines, does more harm than good to the environment.
And that's enough on that. As David Icke says: It's all bollocks. And once you take a deep breath and accept that it is indeed all bollocks, everything starts to fit into place. Puzzlement and confusion disappear, and you begin to see straight.
Part Two
From quite fresh to this incarnation, I realised the importance of history - particularly ancient history, and even prehistory. If you want to know about what it is to be a human being on planet Earth today, finding out about the past will surely offer up many clues.
It is more recently - fifteen to twenty years ago - that I began to encounter material which stated that much of the official narrative about our ancient past is false, or at the very least partial. Most commonly refuted were the normal assumptions that we are now living at the pinnacle of human existence; and that humans have been alone in creating their cultures. Instead, it was suggested that advanced civilisations had existed which had been obliterated either in natural disasters, such as great floods or asteroid collisions, or by design. And it was claimed that human civilisations had been greatly influenced by non-human visitors to the planet, for good and for bad. That is to say, by extra-terrestrial entities.
I have come to be overwhelmingly convinced that these 'alternative' views of history are correct, despite the details remaining a source of great discussion and uncertainty. But there is too much evidence from a variety of perspectives to ignore this as most likely true.
Far more of a challenge has been the notion that I have come across more recently that even the accounts of human history in recent times - say the nineteenth century - are remarkably false. This requires a really serious shake-up of assumptions about what the world is and how it is constructed.
That I should have found all this so difficult is not entirely logical. It is more a case of it touching the limits of my own perception of reality.
It is not logical because history is being rewritten all the time. The so-called covid enquiry in the UK has as its (unspoken but obvious) aim the establishing of an official narrative of the fake bug fiasco, a fiction that will act as a reference point for future generations who, they hope, will take this as a true account of what went on.
Even in the Buddhist organisation that I was involved with, especially between about 1976 and 1995, I see history being distorted according to modern notions and agendas. Ask anyone who entered this organisation within the past decade what it was like in the 1980s, and they will probably report something which is almost unrecogniseable to me, or anyone who actually took part at the time.
Enormous subjects relate to relatively recent history. One such is Tartaria. Maps and writing exist which tell of a great civilisation based in central Asia, which disappeared without official historical trace not so long ago; we are talking the past two hundred years or so. I have visited sites on Telegram a couple of years back, which contain plenty of evidence of its existence, and archaeological evidence that Tartaria disappeared beneath great floods of mud or similar. I recommend spending a little time checking out what you can find about the lost civilisation of Tartaria.
While the existence of Tartaria may be open to question, the reality of the World Fairs in between 1850 and 1920 is undisputed. Look at some of the photos of these events, they are truly surreal. Massive undertakings, organised and constructed in next-to-no time, all over the world. And then destroyed, demolished, as if they never happened.
These were such major events, but get no mention whatsoever in orthodox histories. Why not? What is going on here? It is all extremely bizarre.
Howdie Mickoski has done some serious research into the World Fairs, and even produced a book on the subject. I'll provide links to two of his videos about the World Fairs, one short, the other a full-length interview. I have got used to the weird and the wonderful over the years, but the World Fairs, and the way that they have been 'disappeared' remains mind-boggling.
Howdie has no final conclusions. But the main takeaway underpinning all of this is summarised elegantly by him. History as presented is not humanity in noble pursuit of the truth; history is created in order to support a particular narrative. History provides a context for the narrative that 'you' (ie some 'authority') wish to promote, and which 'you' wish the populace to believe. And that's it.
Darwin, anyone?
Images: St Greta; Map of Tartaria; Chicago World Fair, 1893
Links: (short video) (interview)