Blog#74: A Mystery or Two...
Part One: Imagine all the people...
You don't need to look very long or far through sections of the so-called alternative media before you come across the subject of population. The discussion will normally revolve around the theme of depopulation: the idea that various forces are at work within the human realm to get rid of a whole bunch of people. Older people, who Henry Kissinger called 'useless eaters' (nice guy, that Henry), are especially mentioned, but anybody is fair game for the game of population reduction.
You will find references to the thread of eugenics, of killing off people you don't want, and selective reproduction. How people like Bill Gates have eugenicists in their family; how members of think tanks and other groups of unelected self-appointed important people have stated that there are far too many people around, and it is necessary to reduce the human population to less than one million. There will be discussions of the convid injections, and how they can prove lethal for some. There are statistics unpublicised by the mainstream media which undeniably demonstrate an increase in mortality in many many countries, which coincides with the roll-out of the shots.
You will find all this stuff - and it is important, since it is essentially psychopathic: they want to kill you. But this is not all there is to 'population'.
While the question of the killing fields of the convid injections is an important one, there is another far more obvious truth staring us in the face - and a truth which hardly anyone mainstream or alternative bothers to comment on. And that truth is that there are a whole load of people around nowadays.
Official statistics relate that the overall human population of planet Earth increased from around 2.5 billion in 1950 to almost 4.5 billion in 1980, and has just exceeded 8 billion now. This is a remarkable increase. Some people I know of do not believe official stats, but official or not, there are a whole load more people around now than there used to be.
While depopulation is something that can be readily grasped by large sections of the 'alternative', the possibility that there are big questions to be answered with regard to population growth eludes them. There are simple, ready-made answers as to 'why' the populations has grown. Better nutrition, hygiene, healthcare, clean water, and so on. We can all go there. But the wider question, missed by most, is this: 'Why has this growth of population been encouraged in the first place? Or at the very least, why has it been allowed to happen?'
These may seem like strange questions to ask, but consider. Big-scale things that are not supposed to happen are not allowed to happen. Simple as that. Energy is one clear example. Free or cheap energy which is available for ordinary folk to power their homes is not permitted. It isn't allowed to happen (a little research will reveal that readily-available cheap energy is not a pipe dream, and many proposals have been made, all of which have been squashed and/or their inventors made to disappear).
Another concerns health. Natural cures for serious illness and disease are not allowed. Research on such methods is practically zero. Anything which takes from the dogma and financial profits of drugs and surgery as the universal approach is suppressed and ridiculed. It won't happen.
For the control freaks, it is vital that the general population is dependent as possible on the 'authorities'. The narrative must be protected. So why has the population been allowed to grow so much?
One thing that I like about Howdie Mickoski is that he will ask searching questions that few others seem prepared to ask, and will attempt answers. Sometimes, I suspect, he is spot-on, at other times well off the mark. But the main thing is that he sees there is something there to investigate in the first place.
Howdie broaches this topic of 'why all the humans?' I don't know where his answer comes from, but it is this. The ongoing suffering state of the large number of humans on Earth has succeeded in producing, in the astral realm (the non-physical equivalent of our material realm), a lot of disembodied entities that are equivalents to tulpas in the material world. A tulpa is an entity created by the mind. Enough energy is focussed in a particular direction, and it takes on a bodily form. The tulpa appears in some more mystical texts in Tibetan Buddhism, and creation of tulpas was a feature of some 'realised beings' in those traditions. Egregores are a similar notion.
So the dark energy from large numbers of human minds has manifested entities, a bit like lost ghosts or spirits, I imagine, in the astral realm. They, like any other entities, need feeding. And, like other beings in the non-physical worlds, the form of their food will be non-physical - energetic. So they require large amounts of negative energy to be produced so that they don't go hungry.
Therefore, the quantity of negative, 'nourishing', energy, created by humans has needed to be increased. The astral realm has become a busy, overpopulated place in itself as a result. Needless to say, the more original inhabitants of this realm, the archons if you like, are pissed off by all this, not happy at all, with all the extra work needed to keep the place going. But hence we have the need for a population explosion on Earth, to keep the beings in the astral nourished.
And, within this wider context, I may speculate that the physical human population has become unruly, difficult to manage. Despite all the efforts at taming them, many humans remain a bit wild, unpredictable, wandering all over the place. For a control freak like an archon this is infuriating and unacceptable. Hence the depopulation agenda, tidying things up, removing those surplus to requirements.
It all sounds ridiculous. Yet it is the only thing which begins to make sense of the world that we inhabit......
Part Two: Round and Round We Go...
Last week it was Groundhog Day. Again. It came round on February 2nd - as always. Plus ca change, the more it stays the same.
I don't know much about Groundhog Day. According to Wikipedia, it is celebrated in various regions of Canada and the USA, most of all in Pennsylvania. It is said that, if on February 2nd the groundhog appears above ground and casts a shadow, the spring is still far off. However, if the groundhog peeks out to a dull day, with no shadow cast, then spring is just around the corner.
I have never seen a groundhog; they don't live in my part of the world. But the notion of Groundhog Day, of the same day coming round time and time again, is a curious one, isn't it?
I saw the film when it first came out, about thirty years ago. It stayed with me somewhat, which suggests that there is a ring of truth about it - or at least a ring of something.
The main character is a journalist, and he is sent to report on the main Groundhog Day celebrations, which take place in the town of Punxsutawney. He behaves badly, and wakes up the next day to discover that it is February 2nd again. And so it goes on; he can't escape that date. He becomes real bad, but eventually begins behaving like a saint, and wakes up to February 3rd. That's pretty much what I recall.
On the surface, it appears like a 'bad karma, good karma' kind of story. Howdie Mickoski sees it differently, and suggests that, when he wakes up on February 3rd, the journalist has not escaped the cycle. He has in fact sold his soul to the devil, who appears in the guise of the insurance salesman guy in the film. All of which I don't know about, but it encourages me to watch the film again some time.
Related to all this is the notion of 'time loops'. According to the theory of time loops, time does not really progress at all. We simply pass through the same life again and again and again. This is something else I know next-to-nothing about, but I bring it to your attention in case it resonates, and you may wish to follow it up. There is the phenomenon of deja vu, which might fit in with all this.
More broadly, the notions of Groundhog Day and time loops can be brought to bear on world events. Things appear to move on, but this is all deception. They are getting nowhere; this is exactly what is intended. It's just the same old psychopathic nonsense going round and round and round, with February 2nd coming around at regular intervals.
This was less clear to me until two years ago. Then a certain correspondence of events took place. As quickly as it had appeared, the convid theatre folded up, pretty much anyhow. The injection mandates were dropped, mask bullying in the supermarket disappeared, people could catch airplanes without having to comply to a bucketload of extra measures.
Simultaneously, the past all came back, as if it had never gone away. The provoked, manufactured wars returned, exactly on cue, this time on the shape of Ukraine. Fear was displaced from a virus back to where it was before, on the immanent destruction of planet Earth by naughty humans with their CO2. Just like a groundhog, cute little Greta poked her head out of the ground and started up again.
It was, for me, as bizarre as anything that had taken place in the convid years. The simultaneity of events was so obvious, that once again it amazed me that everybody didn't just see this, how they were being taken for a vicious ride. But people continue to play the game. The cycle of fake crises, which unfortunately requires the taking of enormous numbers of innocent lives, simply started up again. Round and round, getting nowhere. And so it will continue, until enough people wake up to the game, and how they are just being played, just being had. Please, some people, please just start waking up....
P.S. A note of clarification. When I say that 'nothing's going to happen' or 'it won't be allowed' concerning innovations which could radically improve the lot of human beings, I am not saying that this is inevitable, or written on tablets of stone. Things can and will happen, and quickly, if people realise how they are being manipulated, see how things could indeed be different, and decide that enough is enough. That is all it will take.