The Open Door

Dr. Rashid Buttar, With Thanks

I was saddened and more than a little shocked to learn a few days ago of the death of Dr. Rashid Buttar. He was just 57 years old.

In case you do not know of Dr. Buttar, it can be put in a nutshell: he was one of the good guys. A man of courage and integrity, with the interests of all life at heart. Silvrback blog image

I first became aware of . . .

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May 28, 2023

Blog#55: Heretics, Part Three


Part One

From early 2020 I found myself embracing a far wider range of sources within the field of 'alternative' or 'independent' people and media than had been the case previously. Needs must, I suppose....

Since then, I have found a galaxy of courageous souls, prepared to sit up and speak what they consider to be . . .

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May 19, 2023

Blog#54: Heretics, Part Two

In September 2021 Martha and I stayed for a few days in Edinburgh. It was unusual to be in Edinburgh at that time of year; typically accommodation is so expensive that it's out of the range of folk like us. However, in September 2021 many people were feeling the after-effects of spending much of the previous eighteen months as voluntary . . .

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May 08, 2023

Blog#53: Heretics, Part One


Part One

It was Easter recently. When I was a kid, this was a time for eating, not to say pigging out. On Friday, there were hot cross buns. Nowadays you can buy hot cross buns all year round, but then they were a treat reserved for not-so-good Friday.

I would have recovered from the bun feast just in time for the main . . .

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April 25, 2023

Blog#52: A Summer's Walk


I guess I was sixteen when I decided to walk the Pennine Way. It was 1969, and this long-distance footpath had been opened only four years beforehand. It was early days, and I felt something of a pioneer. Nowadays, I believe, most of the trail is clearly waymarked, and some is all too stone-and-concrete. In 1969, however, large . . .

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April 13, 2023

Belinus#1: The Scottish Border Lands


Part One

Monday March 20th, this year. 2.50pm. My wife, Martha, and I catch the train heading south. In our case, 'south' means Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders.

There is a reason for going right now. It's the last chance before much of Scotland becomes too expensive for us to stay there. Until November, most likely.

. . .

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April 01, 2023

Blog#51: Cosmic Twins Trilogy - Part Three


Part One

Scotland is a strange place. Romantic, mysterious, mystical; a land of atmosphere and atmospheres, in constant motion; a home to landscapes of breathtaking beauty. The glens, hills, and mountains are ancient, and it doesn't require any exception gifts of sensitivity to sense this, to feel in touch with the depth and . . .

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March 17, 2023


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