News: In Case You Had Any Doubts....
It's coming out; more people are seeing that what those bloody conspiracy theorists have been saying all these years was correct after all.
Elon Musk; I don't know what to make of him, and I feel no compulsion to come to an . . .
Blog#43: Managing the Awakening: the Continuation...
Part One
Managing the awakening: examples abound, even from my own life...
While living in Oxford during the 1970s I knew a certain excellent person. I think I knew him better than he did me. He was focal in the countercultural scene in Oxford while I was, true to my retiring nature, always more peripheral.
I . . .
Blog#42: Double Dutch
Part One
On November 3rd this year David Icke was on his way to the Netherlands. He was able to do this because, in common with nearly all other European countries, Holland has quietly dropped its need-a-jab, need-a-test requirements in order for people to enter.
He was due to deliver a thirty-minute speech at a . . .
Blog#41: Managing the Awakening - an Outline
Part One
I suppose that it really kicked off in the mid-1960s. In Britain (and in many other places) the previous twenty years had been a period of remarkable conformity and uniformity. After the collective trauma of the Second World War people were, in general, more than content to just get on with life again; do what they . . .
Blog 40: The Bare Necessities
Part One: Sleep
It's a little under five years ago that I attended this particular appointment with the homeopath. It was several months into the kundalini awakening, and my first visit since the energy initially woke up.
I had first turned to homeopathic treatment about three years previously. With a variety of . . .
Blog#39: David Icke and the Twin Flame
Part One
You may or may not be familiar with the concept of the Twin Flame. It is found mainly in certain mystical, energy, out-there, circles.
In brief, Twin Flames are meant for one another. They are embodiments of love eternal. Your twin flame is a soul that you will have been with in past lives and as past loves. The . . .
Blog #38: Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Part One
OK. So it's Sunday. It's afternoon by my reckoning, though early evening for most of my neighbours. In our house the time schedule, such as it exists at all, resembles that of Barcelona more than along-the-road Aberdeen. Things happen late. And it's kind-of lazy; I've been a bit lazy with the blog just recently. . . .