News: In Case You Had Any Doubts....
It's coming out; more people are seeing that what those bloody conspiracy theorists have been saying all these years was correct after all.
Elon Musk; I don't know what to make of him, and I feel no compulsion to come to an opinion.
Some, such as David Icke, consider him a psychopathic cabal figure, along with the likes of Bill Gates and George Soros. Electric cars, neurolink, satellite surveillance. There are others who accept what he says, that he is a man of the people, a good guy.
Maybe there are elements of truth in all viewpoints. Life is nuanced, and to be a 'cabal person' does not necessarily make you identical with others. Some folk are complex, both 'good' and 'bad' simultaneously. Maybe he's a good guy but with a fatal attraction to the possibilities of high-end technology. As I said, I don't know. For now, I'll take what he is making possible....