Blog#44: Managing the Awakening (3): Politicians, Extra-Terrestrials
Part One
Only recently the world's first convid vaccine-injury clinic was opened. It's in Lucca, a quiet (at least it was when I visited thirty years ago) historical town in Tuscany, Italy.
One thing of note is the dramatic sea-change of attitude in Italy. Just a year ago, it was one of the most extreme places in the world for convid authoritarianism. Without your fake convid waxene, you couldn't do many things that you might previously consider everyday, routine. Trains, buses, planes; restaurants, cafes, sometimes just going to work: forget it.
Now it's all been rolled back. Not coincidentally, this goes with a big regime change in the country this year. The convid tyranny was overseen by one Mario Draghi, whose CV reads like an encyclopedia of globalist cabal institutions - places like the World Bank, and the European Central Bank. He refers to himself as a 'liberal socialist', whatever that may mean (it means nothing, actually).
In a small election turnout, enough Italians had had enough of this liberal socialism. Instead, they voted in Georgia Meloni. Those who don't like her refer to her as 'far right' (again, what does that mean? Er, nothing, once more....). They talk about connections with Mussolini and the like (time for a loud yawn, folks...). She is a Christian, thinks the family is a good thing, is against flexi-gender propaganda in schools, and dares to mention things like human rights and human freedoms. Clearly an evil person.
The clinic in Lucca is private, but most likely would have been unable to open in the climate of the Draghi regime. As it is, local authorities have distanced themselves from the clinic. So let's just take that in: a clinic has been set up to help people who are ill, injured; and the local authorities want nothing to do with it. Consider what this means.
Part Two
Many people who just begin to 'wake up', even a teensie bit, are put back into a deep sleep by words. Words have great power, for good or for ill. Words deceive, or have the power to do so. Here we are talking political words.
Take the word 'socialism'. Many of these teensie weensie awakened ones consider 'socialism' to be a good thing. Even 'communism' might get a quite nod of approval when lined up against some of the other possibilities. Socialism, the word. What does it conjure up? Social, socialising, society, being sociable even. And communism? Communal, community, common good. All good. And their traditional foes? Conservatism. Once more, I'm not sure what it means. But it seems to be about hard-baked, old-fashioned ways of thinking, not 'progressive'. And then there's 'capitalism'. People with money using it to get still more money, at the expense of poor folks. Greedy, selfish, not good. Not like caring-for-everybody socialists.
The magic of words is simple. It is added to the question of 'which group do you belong to?' Are you an avaricious capitalist? Or are you a caring socialist? It's a no-brainer. Nobody wants to be greedy, selfish, do they?
Socialism has never made a secret of the fact that its prime means for looking after the needs of the masses is the state. This benevolent institution will provide for all, and for all equally. Actually, Marx wrote that the state would eventually wither away, but this has been conveniently forgotten.
So the socialist mindset will inevitably be one of big government - the state, the great universal mummy. Whether it ever worked like this, I don't know. But in modern times, in the western world, 'socialism' has dropped its benevolence while holding on to the notion of big government. The result is that socialism in the west is now synonymous with governmental over-reach, with authoritarianism and tyranny. The implementation of a 'one size fits all' mentality, which spells death for any lovers of freedom of expression and free speech. The freedom to be different.
Coming full circle: it's not a perfect match - but, generally speaking, it was the so-called socialist-inclined misgovernments which insisted on the most draconian measures when the convid story came to be. These are the authorities who most wished to persecute anyone who objected to wearing masks (easily proven to be useless in preventing the spread of 'viral illnesses'. As one person put it, trying to keep tiny viral particles out with a mask is like moving sand in a shopping trolley).
They are the dark and repressive entities which threatened those who refused the experimental gene therapy, aka convid waxenes, with prison, heavy fines, no transport or public life. And ignorance is no defence. If I can sort it out, so could they. But no. It was the perfect excuse to increase their powers, exercise the control which they lust after. While capitalists are about greed and money, socialists are about control and power (which masquerades as 'caring for people' until the point where they are undressed, and seen for who they truly are).
Part Three
At least old-time communists and socialists did look after their people of a fashion. Cuba had an excellent heath service, so I am told. Modern-day nations under 'socialist' governments are generally in a state of disintegration.
The socialist mindset will call itself different things as disguise: centre, centre-left; social democrats, liberal democrats, plain old democrat. Scratch the surface, and you find the same mentality: big state, big control, social uniformity - one size fits all. Total anathema to the individual.
Close to home, the perfect example is Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon. The past three years references have become increasingly common to her as 'tyrant', 'dictator', 'communist', 'fascist'. More people have seen through the facade of 'independence', or what she really means by it. Which, in case anyone is unsure, involves breaking free of Westminster, in order to plunge into abject slavery to the EU and the globalist's wet dream. There remain, unfortunately, too many who still see her as some kind of saviour.
Scottish National Party (SNP) under Sturgeon is socialist/communist programme writ large. Meddling, interfering, regulating: these are the hallmarks of the Sturgeon regime. Their programme is invariably one of 'managing' peoples' lives, down to the smallest details, through the aegis of the state.
Significantly, Sturgeon was always one step ahead of counterparts in Westminster when the convid restrictions became de rigueur. Mask mandates dragged on longer in Scotland; local lockdowns and travel restrictions similarly. Most shameful of all, 'she' kept schoolchildren masked up considerably longer than the kids in England.
Self-determination is a dirty concept to Sturgeon and her gang - leave it all to us, the authorities, we'll take care of it. Their wet dream seems to be the complete eradication of personal initiative. I see nothing which elevates the human spirit, the magnificence of self-knowledge, the liberation of the individual. I just see hive mind, the dark group. As such, Sturgeon and her like are mirrors of evil.
Part Four
'Managing people's awakening' is an expression that I picked up from one of the videos on Cosmic Agency. What they fail to mention is that they are themselves, most likely, part of that management....
I was led to Cosmic Agency just over two years ago, and was blown away. The video in question was about consciousness, and how people who are aware and awake have far greater manifesting power in the world - can influence events far more - than those who are asleep, who simply follow the programme laid out for them. Further videos described various workings of consciousness in more understandable ways than anything I had come across during my many years of Buddhism and aspects of western mysticism.
Then there was the material on convid, the emerging waxenes, and the machinations of the cabal in general. It was all cutting edge, and Cosmic Agency became my number one go-to source for many things.
The hurdle for many would-be listeners is that the information purports to come from extra-terrestrials. Specifically Taygetans, from one of the stars in the Pleiades, and Swaruus, who evolved into higher density beings to the degree that they constitute a different species.
I have no issue with that notion at all. It is clear to me that non-human entities have played a part in the affairs on Earth for a long time, and this includes both benevolent and malevolent species.
As I absorbed myself in some of this material, I was peripherally aware that there were some weird bits, some unlikely bits. But with so much gold around, it's easy to ignore the little questions which pop up from time to time.
Long story short..... A few months ago I began to experience some niggling doubts. Not about much of the material, but its source. And then a couple of videos turned up which irritated me, and simply regurgitated one-sided views that can be easily accessed online anyhow. Faith begins to crumble, questioning faculties take centre-stage, and it's all over.
It was around the niggling doubts time that a video came out on another channel devoted to the same Taygetan/Swaruu material, called Pleiadian Knowledge. It was the English translation from the original Spanish, produced by Estella and Cristina, 'the PK girls'. Like Gosia and Robert at Cosmic Agency, they had received copious information from these ET sources, and conscientiously put it out there. The difference with this particular video, however, was that the girls had changed their minds, and were calling out the 'Taygetan Disclosure' as a fraud. I followed the content of the video carefully. They have a case, and one which, in my view, has not been properly countered. It's an impressive piece of detective work, in fact.
Part Five
Why bother to create confusion, to spread misinformation, in the UFO/ET community (or communities, since they are very good at falling out with one another)? To most people it is a weird, if not clinically mad, irrelevance. But it does appear that deliberately-placed misinformation is rife in these places.
The thing is this. Many UFO/ET people are highly aware of the limits of the 3D matrix world, and of the manipulations which take place from the dark forces which I sometimes call 'the cabal'. Remarkably, during my time with Cosmic Agency, I did not come across a single person who believed the official narrative about convid. Not one. That is truly remarkable.
So these people, even if they spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer screen, are dangerous. They are the main obstacle for the forces of darkness. So it is worth putting huge resources into dealing with, 'managing', these people, somehow or another.
What do you do with such people? Well, you can do the same as happens through shills and 'controlled opposition' across the face of the non-official world. You give them plenty of real truth, to reel them in; and you mix it with false info, either things you'd like them to believe, or simply to confuse and defuse them.
In the case of Cosmic Agency, there is additionally the potential for corralling the weirdly awake in a self-contained bubble world, where they argue interminably about how many densities and dimensions exist, and are kept out of harm's way. A self-imposed quarantine. And there is also the possibility of seeing how far you can push a kind of religious belief system, disempowering the awakened ones while giving them messages of self-empowerment. It's all vicious, convoluted, and requires utmost discernment to negotiate the minefields that are out there awaiting the awakened ones.
Look beyond the programmed matrix world at your peril.... and for your freedom...
Images: Lucca, Divide and Rule, Pleiadian, Grey