Blog#60: Vignettes from the Great Escape
Part One
My copy of 'Exit the Cave' by Howdie Mickoski arrived. I set to reading it for the first time, and it proved compelling. "I don't see you with a book like that very often" commented my wife. "From time to time I come across an important book" was my reply. "And this is one of them."
I gobbled it up . . .
Blog#59: University of Life? Really?
Part One
'We are here to learn. I have come to planet Earth to learn.' How many times have I heard this point of view over recent years, especially from those who inhabit what I shall call the interstellar alternative world: starseeds and the like, for example.
A former mentor of mine, Neil Kramer, would talk . . .
Blog#58: Bits and Pieces
Part One: Belinus; A Near Miss
I was eagerly anticipating the visit to Rosslyn Chapel. It's not on the Belinus line, around 6 miles east of the great ley; but it is apparently a vital piece of the energy grid. Michael Feeley asserts that the Knights Templar performed powerful rituals in the Chapel, invoking high-level . . .
Blog#57: Why Am I Still Here?
In April 1986 I took a trip to Italy with my then-girlfriend.
It is all deeply ironic. The decade was characterised personally by my full-time work for the Buddhist organisation with which I was affiliated. Well, more than that: the Order into which I was ordained. Much of this time I was chairman of the Buddhist Centre in . . .
Blog#56: ETs Everywhere
Part One
"Ah, that David Icke. He's the reptilian man. Ha Ha! It's the reptilians, he says. Reptilians. Ha Ha Ha!"
Slightly less so nowadays, but for years this has been the stock dismissal of David Icke, based on ridicule. The reptilians; what a lunatic. But maybe it was all a bit of a diversionary tactic.....
By . . .
Belinus#2: Of Chapels and Cairns
It is no more than a thirty-minute drive from where I live to the Clava Cairns. Or if, like me, you have no car, it is half an hour on foot into town, followed by another half hour on a bus, then a near-hour long walk on side roads and through wooded glades, to reach the Cairns. If you are busy, then this seems like a total waste of time. But . . .
Dr. Rashid Buttar, With Thanks
I was saddened and more than a little shocked to learn a few days ago of the death of Dr. Rashid Buttar. He was just 57 years old.
In case you do not know of Dr. Buttar, it can be put in a nutshell: he was one of the good guys. A man of courage and integrity, with the interests of all life at heart.
I first became aware of . . .