Blog#16: The Fight For Survival
The Fight For Survival
Every human being on planet Earth is currently engaged in a fight for survival. Many do not realise this, and persist in believing that they are doing all manner of hitherto unimagined things in order to counter a uniquely deadly illness. Whereas the reality is that they are being attacked on many fronts, the aim . . .
Life Story#17: A Domestic Interlude
Part One
Our summer let in South Parade, north Oxford, was nearly up, with no longer-term living space on the horizon. The prospect of our having to go our separate ways before really starting was a real possibility. And then, at the last minute, one of my contacts came up trumps.
Debora was a rather thin, wan, late forty-something . . .
Blog#15: Dinner With Kundalini
Part One
It was never on my Wish List of things to happen in this lifetime. When the energy most often referred to as 'kundalini' woke up a little more than four years ago, it was unplanned, unexpected, and more than a little shocking. When anybody enquires "I feel energy moving in my body. Is it kundalini?" the answer will be "No". . . .
Life Story#16: In Her Majesty's Back Garden
Part One
Windsor Free Festival in 1972 and '73 was a fairly minor affair. Come summer 1974, rumours are flying around. This year, it's going to be massive. Missing out isn't an option. August Bank Holiday Saturday comes round, and it's time to head off.
The very notion of holding a free festival jam-packed with heads, freaks, . . .
Blog#14: Futures, Pasts, and Bits in Between
Part One: No More Karma Chameleon
'Karma': ah! Sound of the mystic, exotic, the wisdom of old, of the orient. Ah, it's my karma - now I understand.....
The fascination of many westerners with the notion of karma is maybe unsurprising. It goes with the territory of early stages of waking up to the fact that all is . . .
Life Story#15: Goodbye, Hello
There are things we have done that we are not proud of. Nevertheless, on inspection, they are invariably found to perfectly manifest our state of being at any given time. Nothing is fortuitous, nothing is out of place. It all fits perfectly into whoever we are, no matter how much we would wish it to be otherwise. It could not possibly be any . . .
Snapshot#5: Going Cosmic in Finland
It's a while back that I wrote about the contact with Taygetans and the Swaruus (see Blog#7). The information received from these very-best-of-ET-friends of ours is communicated to a number of contactees. Within the English-speaking world, the main human they have communicated with is Gosia.
Originally from Poland and currently . . .