Blog#14: Futures, Pasts, and Bits in Between
Part One: No More Karma Chameleon
'Karma': ah! Sound of the mystic, exotic, the wisdom of old, of the orient. Ah, it's my karma - now I understand.....
The fascination of many westerners with the notion of karma is maybe unsurprising. It goes with the territory of early stages of waking up to the fact that all is not quite as you believed. Specifically, it begins to dawn that maybe, just maybe, the universe, and you, are not just random bits of nothingness, pinging about the cosmos in a haphazard way. There is a pattern, a network, a meaning even, to events. Things don't just happen in mysterious isolation, out of the blue; there is connection.
The old western cause-and-effect story no longer fits the bill - life doesn't work like a big pack of dominoes. Similarly, notions from the Abrahamic religions such as original sin, or God sitting in the wings running it all with his cosmic joystick, just don't bear any resemblance to what you see unfolding all around you. And then you come across..... karma. Balance. Actions have consequences. Reap what you sow, to borrow from another book. Got it.
I've always been a bit so-so about karma, without knowing why. Classic Hinduism is hard-core karma country. The caste system is karma solidified into rigid social strata. So you have the Untouchables, who are where they are because they have been naughty boys and girls sometime in the past. And they are now paying the price, or paying off their bad karma, with a crappy humiliating life. Conversely, the Brahmins were goodly folk in the past, so get to have big opulent houses, lots of money, beautiful girls all around, and boss around everybody else.
Buddhism is more soft-core karma, though in some places this is apparently hardly the case. It elucidates five different types of conditionality in a formulation of the five niyamas. In the example provided by my former Buddhist teacher, you might have a fever for a number of reasons: it could be because of a change in external temperature,for instance,or because you are very stressed. 'Karma' is only one of a number of possible causes. This is all very well until a real karma enthusiast comes along and points out that the reason for you being in that particular place where the temperature changed quickly was, well, karmic. And so it goes on.
The first light on the theme of karma came from an article written by John Lash: 'Karma is a rigged game'. It was indeed a light - a big lightbulb came on when I first read it. Not an easy piece of reading, largely because of some of the content, which involves archons and Gnostics, very often obtuse and a bit of a head-banger. But lightbulb material nonetheless.
Here are some of the points that John Lash introduces. Focally, he states that the human world does not work through this mysterious cosmic law of checks and balances which is called karma; this is his observation. Rather, it works in terms of habit-repetition. Nasty people, he says, often do not appear to suffer, to experience payback, for their cruel deeds. More frequently, they have a nice house, go on expensive holidays, and eventually drop dead like anyone else.
According to Lash, it is now that reincarnation is invoked, necessarily: Mr Nasty Guy hasn't suffered for his sins in this life, but don't worry - he will next time round. This is solely an idea, nothing more; maybe a belief put there simply to continue the falsehood of karma.
Nasty people continue to do nasty things out of habit-repetition. They continue to eternity unless a) they are stopped b) they realise the error of their ways, or c) they self-destruct, the climactic act of a game that is inherently destructive.
There is no cosmic payback. The notion that Europe, for example, is falling to pieces as karmic payback for its abusive deeds in the past, is not sustainable. Any payback that may take place does so within the specific context of systems of human justice. These are designed to encourage ethical living, and to protect society at large. Nothing karmic about it at all.
In summary, John Lash opines that the notion of karma exists as a means of social control. I am inclined to agree with him.
The other source which illuminates the subject of karma is the video/transcript of the conversation with Swaruu 9 on Cosmic Agency. The essence of what she has to say is encapsulated in these lines:
"The concept of accepting Karma, its existence, or having to pay it, or how it works is only a choice you make...... It's like Monopoly money..... and it only has value as long as you are playing the game..... Deciding, as a soul, that you must reincarnate because you owe Karma to someone, is like playing Monopoly.... and, as the game ended, you still owed a payment to whoever. You want to keep playing the Monopoly game until everything is paid off, but it never will be, always something will be up. My point is that Karma.... is only a choice you make."
So the notion of karma just keeps the merry-go-round going round. It is the dynamics of the matrix. It continues until one morning you wake up, shake the dust from your eyes, and utter the realisation: "I'm out of here."
Belief in karma perpetuates the world of suffering, and it is a system designed to make you go back again and again and again, each time feeding the matrix and its keepers - whose appetite is insatiable.
According to Swaruu, forgiving others and forgiving yourself is the key if you wish to escape the karma/incarnation trap. "A 100% perfect life cannot be done ever. It's a trap, you cannot ever get everything right! Go home....."
I find it difficult to find fault with this analysis. (Feb 23rd 2019)
Part Two: Timelines for today
'The timeline is fractured.'
Last year I found the topic to be out and about a bit. It was new to me. In simple terms, it was stated that humanity is splitting in two. Those awake to their own individuality, their own sovereignty, going off in one direction; and the cabal-affiliates in another. While the process had been going on for a while, the convid narrative was laying it out on the table far more clearly. Some folk are going this way; others are going that.
In person and online, the discussion was under way. There would be a bit of a wide-eyed, wow, element to it all. More recently, I have sensed the timeline fracture - nay, seen, heard, and smelled it. We are now in the thick of it, and I find it can be very uncomfortable to live with....
A 'timeline' is, as seen from a more limited linear perspective at least, a line that the individual being is on - or,rather, it is the trajectory of the individual. No timeline, no being. It can be read, or projected, into the future; its shape depends, obviously, on what has been and is going on in the life of said individual.
More than anything, the timeline you associate with appears to depend on the answer to the question: 'Who is the authority in your life?' If the answer is "I am a sovereign being, who answers to nobody" then one timeline beckons. Should your reply be "I give permission to others, for example in government offices and on the television, to guide me through life", then a different future awaits. This seems to be the way that things are panning out on planet Earth at present.
It was a couple of weeks ago, when I undertook an apparently innocuous jaunt out on a bus for a coffee and to buy a few herbs for the back garden, that it really hit home. People in Scotland who work in shops, cafes, and the like, and who obey the misgovernment, wear masks. I cannot help but observe. This has been going on for fifteen months now, and some of them are happy enough with all this, from what I can make out. If they need to mask up for the rest of their life, then so be it. Whatever's needed to stop the spread of the deadly pathogen.
The same goes for the public at large. Approach restaurant: mask on. Enter with mask. Sit down: mask off. Check out the cake stand: mask on again. Toilet break: mask on. Sit down again: mask off. And so it continues. People continue with this crazy, spirit-numbing ritual as normal, routine. It's here, in this little and oft-repeated ritual, that I see the timeline fracture very clearly. I watch it taking place, and know quite simply: this is not for me. This is not what I do. This is not what 'my people' enact. It's not on my timeline.
The thing is that this has been going on - or not, depending on your timeline - for quite a while. Habits - mental and psychological as much as physical - become established, en route to getting hard-wired into the system. No longer superficial, but indicative of an attitude, a mindset, an experience. Meanwhile, the maskless continue to develop another mindset, which becomes reinforced every time they defy the 'mandates' (check out the meaning of this word...): "I am a sovereign being. I do not permit occult and silly rituals to humiliate me. I am not subservient to psychopathy. I shall go wherever this may take me. The well-being of my 'soul' is paramount."
I simplify to make the point. And of course it applies to many matters beyond covering your face; once again, this is just a particularly clear example.
Following hot on the heels of my sense of this new phase was the decision of Gosia, Cosmic Agency, to set up a network of support groups for followers of the channel. While still doing whatever possible to dispel the lies surrounding the convid agenda, the non-consenters need to look after their own interests, both in surviving within this theatre of convid-infestation, and in creating alternatives, new and different ways of living, based on our own needs and perceptions: in terms of health, community, and the rest. Their timeline needs to be lived out, fully manifested.
It's funny. It's almost as if my life in the 1970s, which I am currently writing about in the life-story posts, was a pre-enactment of the needs of the present day.
A line has been drawn in the sand. It is a bit blurry, and many humans fail to fall neatly onto one side or the other. There will be defections. But in very general terms, the scene is set.
Each new move, every manifestation, of the cabal-driven programme is brazen, transparent, in-your-face; so much so, that they almost seem to be apologising for what is being done: please stop us, please find us out. Every move is actually an obvious wake-up call to the mass of humanity; an opportunity to bring to an end the entire agenda.
A lifeline - maybe the final one - is being provided, in the UK and undoubtedly elsewhere, by two recent actualities.
Firstly, the mass poisoning of 12 - 15 year olds, which is starting up this week in the UK. It takes the agenda to another level of darkness. Even official sources confirm that convid is next-to-no risk to young people. The notion that young people will pass on convid to their grannies is a vile rumour, no more; the evidence for asymptomatic spread simply does not exist. And an understanding of how 'convid' is diagnosed by the PCR tests explains how this is so. This in-your-face cruel and pointless injection campaign for young people is offered as a wake-up call to the sleeping masses. I entreat parents to wake up, and not to consent; and if they do, for the children to perform acts of creative vandalism when the jab-maniacs turn up at school.
The other opportunity lies in the 'official statistics'. Covidites take notice of these authority-sanctioned figures, but they do so selectively. The injection programme has been under way for long enough now to get a general idea of the short-term outcome. It's clear. The places with the highest rate of poison uptake are also those which have the highest rates of infection, and of hospitalisations and deaths. Check out Israel, Iceland, and Gibraltar for starters. The UK is following hot on their heels.
Early autumn in the northern hemisphere is typically a time of low rates of infectious illnesses. This year, however, is an anomaly. The system provides a solution: more vaccines! Boosters, double boosters, what else? While the truth is staring the population straight in the face: it's the vaccines that are causing the problem. Ditch them. Refuse. Revolt. We don't need to go into the precise reasons or mechanics here, but the general conclusion is unavoidable. And the 'delta variant' is the vaccines.
As somebody commented just recently, the choice is very simple: sci-fi utopia or thousands more years of cabal control. This is true for humanity as a whole, and for each and every individual on this planet. After the past eighteen months, there are substantial numbers who are ready for the former option; in fact starting to manifest it anyway, regardless of anyone else.
Utilising the taxonomic classifications of broken modern science, we may be witnessing the splitting of homo sapiens down the middle: into homo artificialis on the one hand; and homo magnificans on the other. For the second group, the present is physically restrictive, uncomfortable, and inconvenient. For the first, it is as Jim Morrison saw: "The future's uncertain, and the end is always....." well, uncertain.
Someone on an ascending timeline is Reiner Fuellmich. He is always easy to listen to, clear and informative. He presents many of the major elements of the current situation in this recent interview. He is great material for anybody just beginning to wise up to what is really going on out there:
And anyone visiting Edinburgh and wanting to promote a more positive future should visit Neanie Scott's, at 131 Canongate, pretty central. Get all your gifts, souvenirs etc here. The shop stayed open during lockdown, and showed the rest of Scotland how to do it. Sadly, the rest were too wimpy to follow suit (the kind of action, or non-action, which determines collective timelines...).
Postscript: I have put considerable effort into creating this post, but it remains something of a sketchy and superficial treatment. Karma and timelines are important and enormous topics, but I have left more questions unanswered than anything. Anyhoo, as an intro, I suppose.....