Blog~27: The Grand Illusion
Seven of Chalices: '... all is not as it seems, but no amount of logic will sort the true from the false in these circumstances.... fantasy....wishful thinking..... between dreams and delusions, the white bride has learnt the meaning of death....'
Part One: Oink, Oink - It's a Groundhog
It's been a bizarre few weeks, . . .
Life Story#27: The Stony Field Paradise
Part One
Take a map of Scotland and locate the city of Aberdeen, the nation's third largest, on the North Sea coast. Allow your gaze to drift northwards for fifteen map miles or so. There, if your chart has sufficient detail, you will spy the little township of Ellon. Situated slap bang in the heart of north-east Scotland, it inhabits a . . .
Blog#26: Winners and Losers
Part One: Winners and Losers
A friend wrote to me recently, asking who I thought was winning and who was losing. He was referring, not to Ukraine but primarily to the plandemic and to the Cabal in general. I didn't have much to say to him at the time but, as is often the case, the question was left to be absorbed and digested. I felt . . .
Life Story#26: Into the Night
XV111: The Moon. 'Illusion, deception, falsehood, error'. 'The path that you are on is a hard one, full of twists and turns of fate, yet it is right for you.' 'The fairy must listen to the song of the wolf to find her path.'
Part One
Things might have been going a bit wobbly in my external world as the end of 1975 beckoned, . . .
Blog#25: Fragments on a Windy Day
Part One
While other folk were watching the (fairly) newly-released fourth Matrix film, I was taking another look at the original Matrix movie, from over twenty years ago. This one, at least, is well worth watching a number of times, and it contains plenty that remains relevant to what is going on in the world today. In fact, the . . .
Life Story #25: Gathering Storms
Five of Chalices: 'Disappointment...... loss, but something remains over....... flaw....... the fire has gone out but the raven has not forgotten beauty....'
Part One
There were issues in the commune for sure. There were Mottie issues, for example: woman issues, sex issues; or lack-of-sex issues. This had become a . . .
Blog#24: Many Voices on the Freedom Trail
'Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain but you feel it. You felt it your entire life. That there's something very wrong with the world. You don't know what it is - but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.....'
Do you know what it is? The Matrix is . . .