Blog#86: The Takeover, Part One
Part One
It is a long time now since I departed the world of organised Buddhism (and pretty much anything else thus 'organised'). I cut any formal ties almost twenty years ago, and had been elegantly distancing myself from the whole scene for a good decade beforehand. Nevertheless, we cut threads on different levels, and what . . .
Right on Cue....
Properly informed articles on the climate warming fraud nowadays appear on a daily basis. But, following on from the most recent blog post, right on cue is this particular easy-to-read piece:
Blog#85: Notes From The Cesspit
Part One
I don't go into these things much these days. There's only so much stink a man can take. If you dare, however, hold your breath, put a peg on your nose, and dive right in....
- In the recent elections for the EU Parliament, significant gains were made in quite a few countries by 'the far right'. To the extent . . .
Blog#84: Madonnas Everywhere
Part One
Besides the Assumption, there is another remarkable piece of work by Titian in the Frari Church in Venice. On the left hand side as you walk inside towards the Assumption at the end of the church, you will see the large painting known as the Pesaro Madonna.
I was not inclined to pay it very much attention. Although . . .
Blog#83: Assisting Maria
In the previous post I outlined most briefly the plight of Maria - which, as it happens, is the plight of all of us. She is trapped in an enclosed system, and most likely does not even realise it. She sees her 'way out' or her 'salvation' through rising up to 'God' - again, for other people it could be other trusted figures or dearly loved . . .
Blog#82: Maria and the Great Escape
Part One
I have successfully navigated my way to the top of a hundred of the highest and often most remote mountain peaks in the northern part of Scotland. However, getting to the Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari in the S. Polo district of Venice beat me....
We are greeted by an onrush of warm, friendly air as . . .
Blog#81: South of the Alps
Something which I forgot to develop from the previous post, very important: the kiwi fruit.
It was my wife who noticed it at the Treviso hotel we were staying in. Breakfast. The table of fruit consisted of a mountain of apples, kiwi fruit, and a solitary banana balanced on top. We had noticed kiwi around . . .