Blog#83: Assisting Maria
In the previous post I outlined most briefly the plight of Maria - which, as it happens, is the plight of all of us. She is trapped in an enclosed system, and most likely does not even realise it. She sees her 'way out' or her 'salvation' through rising up to 'God' - again, for other people it could be other trusted figures or dearly loved ones - whereas this is in reality all part of a system which simply recycles her energy back to reincarnate again and again and again. Despite the appearance of progress and movement, it is actually getting nowhere.
'Helping Maria' is helping all of us.
As the friend I mentioned in the previous post pointed out, Maria can be taken as 'soul'. It's one of those words that many people use without having much of a clue as to what they are actually talking about. My understanding is that 'soul' is that portion of our total being which lies between, is an interface between, what we might term 'spirit' (infinite consciousness, outside of time and space, at least as habitually experienced), and the world of the separate and distinct, the phenomenal and, in its fallen form, ultimately material world. She (and soul is normally considered as feminine) has one eye looking out, the other looking in. She is where the infinite brings its focus of attention into a particular place, where it takes on an individual form, a unique expression.
In some Gnostic texts Maria, or soul sometimes referred to as Sophia, is in a fallen state. She has permitted herself to become imbalanced, with far-reaching consequences. She requires returning to a state of harmony, and to a free-flowing relation to spirit.
If Maria is soul, then she is the soul, or soul, of all of us - assuming that we all have soul, which is not a 'thing', but rather one angle on the totality of Being. What happens to Maria will happen to everyone.
Maria's ecstasy is all of our ecstasy. Her plight is our conundrum too. Her entrapment is our captivity; her escape is our flight for freedom as well.
These are four short video clips, all of which shed some light on the situation that Maria finds herself in.
First up is Paul Wallis. Paul is a Bible scholar of decades standing. In particular he has gone back to the originals and examined the translations which have occurred, and how things have been distorted (4 minutes).
Next is the Quinta Columna, a group of scientists based at the University of Almeria, Spain. Their analyses and conclusions are likewise remarkable (6 minutes).
Isabella Greene channelling. Make what you will of the Ascended Masters of Orion, but what comes through is relevant, and rings true to experience (9 minutes).
Finally, Howdie Mickoski talks about 'What Awakens?'. He rambles on a bit about growing vegetables in Norway and his personal situation. But the focus of this little video (17 minutes) is vital if we are to begin to understand what this matrix is that we are apparently trapped within. He is attempting to put into words what is nigh-on ineffable, the stuff of 'high level' Buddhist and Hindu traditions perhaps. It is not 'you' that you see in the mirror which awakens - that is not possible. It is something else, or 'behind' the appearances.
I am not spending much time watching videos, listening to interviews etc these days, but these are all a few minutes of time well spent indeed. As the waiter in the restaurant says: 'Enjoy!'