Snapshot#1: Return of the Untouchables
My former Buddhist teacher hailed from England: Tooting, South London, to be exact. He did, however, spend twenty years, focussed around the 1950s, in India. It was here that he learnt most about Buddhism, studying and practicing with a variety of prominent Buddhist teachers, notably several Tibetans fresh into India from their recently-invaded birthplace.
As well as practicing Buddhism in this way, he was very active in the movement for conversion of Hindus to Buddhism. Large numbers made this move, particularly Untouchables. These were the people on the very bottom rung of the rigid system of caste which characterised Hindu society - or, strictly speaking, they were below and outside the system altogether.
They were termed 'Untouchables' since that is how they were treated, quite literally untouchable by the higher castes. Too close a contact with an Untouchable would render you impure, polluted, unclean. The conversion to Buddhism was seen as a way out of this socio-economic rut, and many Indians benefitted greatly from taking the step into a less rigid form of religion.
He is dead now, but I wonder whether my former teacher would see familiar signs as the current covid agenda enters its current and entirely predictable phase. We are now witnessing attempts to impose another system of division on the natural organic nature of human society. It is called medical apartheid, medical tyranny.
I have experienced its effects personally already. Anybody who deigns to step outside the rigid rules, guidelines, whatever (not 'laws', they are not 'laws' and should have authority solely through the consent of the individual) set by governments and miscellaneous other petty authorities risks being treated as dirty, unclean, untouchable. It happens: I have experienced it, as undoubtedly have most of the other people who have questioned the official narrative through practical action.
It is crunch time, however, as the (again entirely predictable) hoo-haa about so-called 'vaccine passports' gets its moment in the sun. This is the real step into trying to turn an irritating and tenacious minority of people into second-class citizens. It is tyranny, fascism, attempting to impose itself under the guise of health.
I sincerely urge anybody, regardless of whether they agree to have injections or not, to oppose, and oppose actively, any of these measures. They are nothing to do with health, and everything to do with viciously turning the screw on dissenters, to make their lives nearly impossible so that they will eventually comply and be injected with experimental substances of unknown consequence.
There is no logic; it is based entirely on the assumption that enough people will have had their feelings of humanity and empathy sufficiently deleted by now, that they will happily allow fellow humans to have most basic freedoms removed from their lives. If the vaccines are effective, then what's the problem? Just leave the unvaccinated to die in peace; the bug won't get you. And if the vaccines won't stop you getting the bug, then, respectfully, what is the point?
This is no joke, this is real, this is now. The process does, however, have its spiritual up-side. I am getting to know what it felt like to be black in 1950s USA, and South Africa in the apartheid era. And I'm getting a taste of life as an Untouchable in India immediately post-independence. To be honest, it's not the best.....
It's the same old story of 'divide and rule': keep populations in a state of mutual conflict, and you've got them, they are weak. I do not intend to play this game. I am not interested in divide-and-rule. I wish for a cohesive society, but simply wish for the freedom to live as I think fit, harming no-one.
Below are a couple of links to people who are on the ball. UKUnity especially are specifically targeting events which intend to pilot 'covid testing' and 'passport' paraphernalia this summer. I think it's important to give such events a hard time. Interesting things can happen: the Comedy Club in Liverpool said it wasn't their decision to implement this discriminatory process: they didn't like it, but it was Liverpool Council which was behind it. And I believe they have withdrawn from putting on the event.
The least anybody can do is sign a petition, and write a letter to object. It doesn't need to be long: plenty of people will have outlined in detail what the objections are. But it's an opportunity for anyone to contribute to maintaining a human element in the current broken society.