Blog#34: Feeling Normal, Anyone?
Part One
A few weeks back, I took a short trip down south. In this case, 'down south' consisted of biggish city Glasgow, and far smaller city Perth, both in Central Scotland.
Just a few days. I travelled incognito. Sometimes you want to go away and visit people, socialise; other times you go quietly, anonymous, just to flit in and out of life unnoticed. More like a fact-finding mission.
Glasgow. On the surface it's almost as if nothing ever happened. Social distancing is the stuff of dreams. Few people in masks - the major exceptions are Chinese and Japanese, whether residents, tourists, or students, of whom there are many, and for whom masks are a way of life (the Chinese seem to be suffering big-time at home for their habits of compliance, by the way). Plus some elderly and infirm folk, who continue to labour under the delusion that they stand a better chance of living a little longer if they make the breathing process rather more difficult.
It was heartening indeed to see so many young people - teenagers and children - going about their lives apparently free of any fear and terror. Maybe they won't bear too many scars from the brutal impositions on their childhood over the past couple of years. Many children are resilient - their 'soul' and 'spirit' seem able to miraculously withstand the distortions and general dark matrix programming flung in their pathway. Something shines through. Though this is not the case with all young people.
All the same, I find it bizarre how, in the UK at least, so many of the convid restrictions dissolved away almost as quickly as they appeared in the first place. It was like a magician's conjuring trick. I also find it curious how little comment seems to have been passed on this rapid change, either in the lamestream or the alternative media. What is actually going on? What's that actually about?
Some people will, I suppose, be simply relieved to see the back of the nonsense - for the time being, anyway, there's no room for naivety here..... There will be the temptation to just get on and try to forget that anything ever happened. This will be an error - lots has happened, a global-induced trauma for starters. Problems don't just go away like that.
Somebody I know expressed the opinion that the persistent protests, non-compliance, and slow leaking of real information in the UK has had an effect. Whatever happens, the cabal must do anything to maintain the illusion that it is acting in the interests of people. Should their nefarious nature become apparent to too many people, it's game over for them. So there will be constant reviewing of the wake-ometer, and the necessity of taking appropriate action whenever the dial swings too far in the direction of awareness.
This person also suggested that the various legal actions in place in the UK might actually be impacting in ways that, obviously, nobody is going to be told about. Govnt and other officials might be under greater threat of legal action than we know. I certainly don't know, but enter it into the stirring pot of possibilities.
At the other end of the spectrum will be the 'cabal in full control' brigade. They will be consulting their well-worn copies of the Protocols of the Elders, proclaiming how it's all part of the plan, and how it's simply relaxing things a bit to take the pressure off the sheeplings, so they can withstand another assault on their lives very soon.
Maybe there's something in that, too. But I don't subscribe to the theory of all-knowing cabal. They are clever, they are wily; they are excellent strategists and they have the technology. But they are not creative or spontaneous; they cannot think outside their box. It's in their nature to be limited in understanding of the potential of the real human spirit. There are things which scare them shitless...
Whatever. On the face of it, a remarkable about-turn took place. The UK was affected relatively lightly by the period of fake-waxene fascism: the focus was on health workers, told that they would need to participate in the pharmacological experiment if they wanted to keep their jobs.
In many nations on mainland Europe, however, it was far more serious. No guinea pig? No cafe, no bus, no supermarket, no job, no nothing. Those who withstood the fascist onslaught in Austria were going to become illegals in their own country; older folk in Greece subject to harsh monthly fines; and the list goes on. I was surprised, not to say dismayed, at what was being dished out. Its speed, its viciousness, the overt nature of it all. And then, almost overnight, much of it was rolled back (though not all). Maybe they were pushing too hard. Maybe they knew there was resistance, and just did as much as quickly as they could, before it all became unviable. I don't know.
Things may appear to have returned to almost how they were three years ago. They haven't. The list would be long, and depressing to compile. But in terms of the economic aspect alone, various things immediately come to mind:
The number of places that are 'cashless' has skyrocketed. Large number of branches of banks have closed, and many that remain are like ghost towns inside, almost without staff. Do you feel comfortable about having your money in a place where you can't find a human being to discuss it with? If you feel OK about that, maybe you should feel again.
Large numbers of small independent businesses are no longer businesses, being forced to close down as a result of the past 30 months. Probably not as many have gone under as was hoped, but nevertheless it had had a profound impact.
Plenty of folk who once visited supermarkets and other shops regularly will never set foot in a supermarket again, with the weekly delivery from the Tesco van the replacement and safer option.
People who used to work in an office will spend the rest of their lives working from the spare room at home. The notion of 'work colleagues' will be relegated to the history books.
While the majority of people have found their finances tightened during the convid era, a small minority have found their financial clout increased no end.
As for me, I no longer go out shopping with a copy of the Nuremberg Code in my pocket. Is this the new meaning of freedom? And people like me, who declined the invitation to participate in the great fake-pharmacological experiment, still find vast areas of planet Earth out of bounds because of travel restrictions.
Part Two
It's all bullshit. All of it. War. The War. You know what I'm talking about.....
There was a time when wars could be deemed 'necessary', or at least part of a natural process. Local wars, regional wars, tribal wars, fighting for limited resources, a matter of fight or starve. Such wars still take place, I guess, but they are the ones you won't hear about much in the mainstream news.
The wars that saturate the channels of dark media are fake, contrived, unnecessary for human survival. The products of simulated conflicts and crises, their aims being political, geopolitical, power-related, a matter of changing the face of the map and expanding the sphere of influence and control for nefarious interests.
As for the war: what do so many people actually think? That this monster of a Russian woke up one morning and, while taking off his pyjamas, thought to himself: 'What mischief shall I do today?' And, feeling in exceptionally mischievous mood, thought to himself: 'I know. I'll invade Ukraine. That'll be fun.'
This is the level of discernment of people who just talk about 'that nutter Putin', and who wave a certain flag in naive and deluded enthusiasm for 'peace'. Sadly, they have no idea how far off the mark they are.
They have, shamefully I would say, been thoughtlessly suckered into playing the ancient game of heavy duality, the game of 'good guys, bad guys'. It's one of the oldest games in the book, and shows no sign of being seen through by vast masses of people, as just this: a game. It's not a game of good guys, bad guys. It's a game of bad guys and..... oh, some more bad guys.
Conflicts such as this do not appear out of thin air. They have more frequently been in the pipeline for ages. Is the timing of this war a coincidence? Just as many western nations relax the grip of fear induced by convid, in order to miraculously keep the fear-and-conflict factor alive? Of course not.
Is it a coincidence that some of the effects of 'the war' just seem to be precisely what the World Economic Forum entities would dearly like to see happen? Skyrocketing fuel and energy prices in western nations. Increased insecurity about food. A continuation of the divide-and-rule mentality, of conflict and strife as a way of life and a means of perpetuating mental slavery? Is life really and necessarily an endless chain of conflicts? I don't think so.
To put things most simply, and at a certain level only: it takes two to tango. In terms of the bad guy, in the common view of the orthodox western media, he has undergone severe and repeated provocation from the good guys. Here is just a small selection.
Since 2014, the Ukrainian military has engaged in warfare against other Ukrainians, with literally thousands killed, principally in the eastern Donbass region, where the people tend to identify with Russian culture. So let that sink in: Ukrainian military killing other Ukrainians in large numbers.
There have been repeated efforts by the good guys to sabotage the neutral status accorded the Ukraine,as a kind of buffer zone twixt east and west. Just very recently, the EU was talking seriously about fast-tracking Ukraine's entry into its own jungle of bureaucratic nightmares and parasitism.
Zelensky's 'rise' to power in the first place is a hornet's nest. His credentials for such a vital job amount to roughly those of a pet hamster......
I have read sufficient reports about biolabs in the Ukraine, sponsored by the US and other western interests, to sense that this is not all bullshit.
The list goes on. But it's not my place, not my wish or interest, to go further....
The good guys knew they were provoking the bad guy into acting dirty. The bad guy knew that he was being provoked. The good guys could have negotiated, and no war would have happened. But they chose war instead. Hey, wait a minute, where's my dictionary? Gotta look up the meaning of 'good guys'.
Good guys, bad guys: just a name, just a game. Believe it if you're stupid enough. It's the game which keeps the whole shithouse going round and round and round. Stop believing the bullshit and the game will come to an end - the game of human nightmares, the game of needless suffering, the particularly psychopathic form of the round of samsara.
It's in the interests of both sides for this painful state of affairs to be perpetuated. Blindingly obvious, once you see it. For some reason, many folk find it impossible to entertain the reality: good guys, bad guys, as presented in the official version of reality, are all part of the same club.
Images: Yamantaka, Wrathful Buddha of Wisdom
Paradoxa Emblemata, D.A. Freher, 18th C