Blog#80: Going Home?
Part One
As in anywhere else on Earth, the mass of people now go about their day glued to their hand-held devices. Where once the skyline boasted medieval towers and noble Renaissance church domes, now it is raked with cellphone towers and 5G masts. And kiwi fruits are everywhere. Otherwise, Italy and Italians remain . . .
Blog#79: Small Fry...
Part One
I don't know a lot about what happens in London these days. It is almost twenty years since I moved away from the Big City into the Highlands of Scotland, and London seems far far away. This is both physically - amazingly, the distance between London and Inverness is almost the same as that between London and Bordeaux - and also . . .
Blog#78: The Worst Year of my Life, Part Two
Part One
It was, quite possibly, January 1991, a couple of months into my New Zealand sojourn. The phone rang one morning; it was my girlfriend, calling from London (I'd left her behind there).
It was a strange time to get a call from her, since it would have been around midnight in England. And her voice was very . . .
Blog#77: The Worst Year of my Life, Part One
There have been a few contenders for the grand accolade of 'Worst year of my life'. However, I once used it for this particular period, and the title has stuck. So read on, but be very afraid.....
Part One
For hours the plane flew high over vast, empty wastelands. I had flown quite a few times, but never . . .
Blog#76: A Conspiracy Too Many....
Part One
I've been wanting to write about this for a while now. And the time has come.....
Not everything is a conspiracy. Not every conspiracy is true. And some have elements of truth, mixed with falsehoods.
Far too many people continue to be blind to any 'conspiracies' anywhere. Instead, they insist on . . .
Blog#75: Serenissima
Part One
Were we to look for a place that embodied the essence of the sacred feminine, we need look no further than the city of Venice.
Venice: everything is feminine. Water. The still dark waters of a multitude of waterways. The light, soft and diffuse, rendered blurred and blurry by the dampness in the air. . . .
Blog#74: A Mystery or Two...
Part One: Imagine all the people...
You don't need to look very long or far through sections of the so-called alternative media before you come across the subject of population. The discussion will normally revolve around the theme of depopulation: the idea that various forces are at work within the human realm to . . .