Life Story#31: High Summer With Buddha
Part One
It was homework time. I had set myself an ambitious programme of research on Buddhists and Buddhist practice. In keeping with the 'suck it and see' approach which I had divined to be the essence of Buddhism, I booked myself into a late summer and early autumn of retreats. In September I would be doing three weeks . . .
Blog#30: Outside the Matrix
The original drafts for the 'life-story' sections on the blog contained a number of appendices or afterthoughts. These are not particularly suitable as such, I felt, on returning to the project. However, with a bit of juggling and reworking, some of the material can stand alone as separate articles. This piece is the result of one such . . .
Life Story#30: Re-Tuning
Part One
The mess and mayhem which constituted much of my life in the spring and early summer of 1976 also provided the backdrop for my other preoccupation: finding out more about Buddhism.
Why Buddhism exactly? The consensus during the 1970s was that Wisdom came from the East, at least in the form of any unbroken tradition that . . .
Blog#29: Manufacturing Consent
XII: The Hanged Man. The world turned upside down..... Everything looks different depending on ones perspective..... the world inverted ....... things are not as they appear.
Part One
If the name of the game is regional skirmishes, then you want to be overt, explicit - even if the reasons you give for the conflict are spurious. You . . .
Life Story#29: Rock 'n Roll Bottom
Eight of Swords: '..... confused rumination....... prison of the mind...... seemingly insurmountable obstacles, but they will pass...... you feel you are trapped by circumstances, but there is someone who could come to your aid.....'
Part One
With two days to go before I was rendered homeless - or, to be precise, begging . . .
Blog#28: Illusions of Reality
Part One: Playing the Polarity
With the advent of the Ukrainian thing, the unwary are invited for yet another turn on the not-so merry-go-round of 'Good guys, bad guys'. It's a game which comes with infinite variations, but always grounds itself in low frequency duality, and goes on into an indefinite future. The dynamic is simple: the . . .
Life Story#28: The Ballroom Days Are Over
Part One
It's amazing how rapidly an apparently stable and solid organisation or institution can turn to dust, once the conditions arise. Like an incumbent in Downing Street. For five long years they hit the headlines on a daily basis, instilling fear, hatred, conflict, and paranoia into the masses. Then, one day, a bad election result - . . .